Providing the Direction to Optimize

Your Business Results

  • Determine your true cost of ownership vs. TRAC leasing vs. Full service leasing  to determine the best option for your business
  • Assist you in lease negotiations for new equipment, from tractor trailers to liftgate trailers to material handling equipment to pickups and company cars
  • Evaluate and improve vehicle utilization to reduce the overall size of your fleet
  • Determine the right life cycle models and maintenance programs for all vehicle types
  • Determine the best fueling program for your fleet

Please contact us at support@LodestarVentures.com to discuss your particular needs related to depot planner, depot planning, fleet management, or to get a price quote.

Lodestar Ventures offers a host of other Logistics Services, including:

Depot Planning - We can help you plot customers for multiple depots to determine delivery area overlap, assist you in evaluating potential sites for new DC’s, and work with you to identify warehouses that can be eliminated or combined with others to reduce costs.

Fleet Services - Lodestar Ventures provides Fleet Management services and consulting that can help your company to:

